Published on
February 16, 2015

SpectraCell is expanding their hormone and thyroid test menu.

Like nutrients, hormones influence all aspects of health and disease - mood, sleep, metabolism, immunity, heart health and appearance.  An imbalance of one hormone can initiate a cascade of events that alters other hormones, so a comprehensive look at hormone status is key. Thyroid hormones directly regulate every cell in our body as most basic functions like metabolism, emotions and thinking. The below components have been added to our already established hormone and thyroid test.

Estrone sulfate (E1) – Included in our male and female hormone profiles

This estrogen has very strong tissue proliferative effects and may be linked to estrogen dominant conditions like fibrocystic breasts, endometriosis and uterine fibroids. It will create either dangerous or beneficial metabolites, depending on a person's nutritional status.

Estriol, unconjugated (E3) – Included in our female hormone profile

Estriol is a weak estrogen that is very high during pregnancy, but also plays an important role in non-pregnant women by opposing the growth of cancer cells promoted by the stronger estrogens E1 and E2.  Estriol is also known to alleviate menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes or urinary incontinence.

Reverse Triiodothyronine (Reverse T3) – Must be ordered individually

As the name implies, Reverse T3 opposes the biological action of T3.  It slows metabolism and renders T3 in the body biologically inactive. The rate of rT3 production relative to T3 will increase in times of stress (high cortisol) and in the presence of nutrient deficiencies, inflammation or certain medications.

To learn more about how to get tested, please visit our GET TESTED page HERE.