Want to Maintain a Healthy Weight? What You Need to Know About Micronutrients and Fat Metabolism

Published on
June 2, 2022

If you are like most people, you are probably aware of how various diets emphasize different macronutrients.   Low fat or low carb?  That is a macronutrient question.   Only three macronutrients exist – fats, carbohydrates and protein.  Some consider water a macronutrient, which is debatable.

Spectracell goes deeper.  Much deeper.   Spectracell’s focus is micronutrients, of which there are dozens.   Examples of micronutrients include vitamins, minerals, amino acids, antioxidants and fatty acids.  These are the molecules that make our cells, and therefore our bodies work.

What do micronutrients have to do with weight and healthy fat metabolism?   Everything!  Here are just a couple examples:

Chromium – This is a trace metal that plays a very big role in metabolizing carbohydrates.  It is the central molecule of a compound called GTF (glucose tolerance factor), which helps insulin attach to a cell’s receptors thus allowing glucose to be taken up by a cell and used for fuel versus floating around in the bloodstream wreaking havoc on our blood vessels and brain.  When a chromium deficiency exists in the body, we cannot handle sugar properly, biochemically speaking, which causes insulin resistance.  The good news is that when a chromium deficiency is corrected, improvement in blood sugar regulation will often follow.  The bad news, however, is that supplemental chromium, such as in the form of chromium picolinate, may not always be absorbed efficiently.  And chromium competes for the binding site of a protein that transports iron which may also inhibit absorption.  The best food sources for this mineral are broccoli, green beans and potatoes.  Foods high in simple sugars, on the other hand, actually increase the rate of excretion and thus promote chromium deficiency.

Vitamin B3 – Also called niacin, this micronutrient can increase a hormone (adiponectin) that is secreted by fat cells and tells your body to burn fat for fuel and use blood sugar for energy instead of storing it as fat.

Zinc – It is now understood that excess fat is not inert and in fact behaves like an endocrine organ.  In fact, healthy weight and body composition is very hormonally driven and hormones need micronutrients to work.  Zinc is an example of a micronutrient that plays a huge role in healthy hormone balance, particularly testosterone, which is needed to build and maintain muscle.  Zinc makes testosterone more bioavailable so that it can work on the tissues throughout the body.  A deficiency in zinc will compromise hormone levels which ultimately manifest as weight gain in most people.

This list is by no means exhaustive, as dozens of micronutrients influence weight and metabolism. Further, micronutrients tend to work synergistically, meaning that when a deficiency is corrected, clinical benefits are often seen in many systems in the body.  It’s no surprise that these nutrients benefit general energy levels as well. Discovering, then correcting vitamin deficiencies is a major step toward improving overall metabolism.

As the only company that provides this complete picture, SpectraCell is not your ordinary lab.  Our micronutrient test is advanced and comprehensive.  It is the most accurate, precise and clinically relevant nutritional test available worldwide.  Period.

We are all biochemically unique.  Our genes, lifestyle, diet, medical history, even the prescriptions we take – all affect our biochemical individuality. Find out what your cells need to optimize your metabolism and by extension, your weight and body composition.

For more information on the link between nutrients and weight management, click here.

Test, Don’t Guess.  Order your Spectracell MNT today.